
徘徊過多少櫥窗 住過多少旅館 才會覺得分離也並不冤枉
how many windows must one move around,
how many hotels must one live,
would make he feel it is not a waste to separate?
感情是用來瀏覽 還是用來珍藏 好讓日子天天都過得難忘
should love be used to skim over or be treasured,
in order to make the days unforgettable?
熬過了多久患難 濕了多長眼眶 才能知道傷感是愛的遺產
how long the misfortune must one get through,
and how long must the eye sockets be wet,
could he realize that sentiments are the inheritance of love?
流浪幾張雙人床 換過幾次信仰 才讓戒指義無反顧的交換
how many double beds must one roam about,
and how many times must one alter his belief,
could he exchange the rings without giving back?
把一個人的溫暖 轉移到另一個的胸膛 讓上次犯的錯反省出夢想
transfering one's warmth to another chest,
mistakes will create dreams.
每個人都是這樣 享受過提心吊膽 才拒絕做愛情待罪的羔羊
everyone is the same:
one would deny to be the guity lamb of love
only after enjoying the constant fears.
回憶是抓不到的月光握緊就變黑暗 等虛假的背影消失於晴朗
memory is the uncatchable moonlight,
when holding tight, it will lose its brightness,
but to wait for the unreal back sight disappearing in the sun.
陽光在身上流轉 等所有業障被原諒
sunlight wanders in the body, waiting all the hinders past.
愛情不停站 想開往地老天荒 需要多勇敢
love doesn't stop.
it needs more braveness to drive this love to forever,
燭光照亮了晚餐 照不出個答案 戀愛不是溫馨的請客吃飯
candles light up the dinner, but not the answer.
love is not a warm feast.
床單上鋪滿花瓣 擁抱讓它成長 太擁擠就開到了別的土壤
unfold the bed sheet with petals, hold it and let it grow,
it is too crowded to bloom to other soil.
感情需要人接班 接近換來期望 期望帶來失望的惡性循環
love needs to be take over. taking over leads to expectation.
expectation brings the vicious circle of losing hope.
短暫的總是浪漫 漫長總會不滿 燒完美好青春換一個老伴
what is short is always romantic,
what last long always brings about discontent.
burning out the beautiful youth brings a ball and chain .


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